Friday 15 January 2016

Evaluation of "catch me if you can"

The movie “Catch Me If You Can” came out in 2002, the title sequence was a throwback to the 60s we know this due to the sixths themed outfits, music and imagery. Directed by Stephen Spielberg, this action packed film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as a con man, and Tom Hanks who’s the detective trying to track him down.The title sequence was created by French animators Kuntzel and Deygas, who was inspired by Saul Bass.This mystery is kept up throughout the sequence as the animated man, who appears to be representing the main character, running away from the detective through out the title sequence trying to hide or disguise himself, and looks as if he is trying to stay away from another character. 

The text of the title sequence is plain and basic, this is for the classy 60s look that its based on. The word "present" underneath dream-works and other words through out the sequence are in a different font, it looks like a type writers font. A type writer is a key symbol of the 60s and a key object to the film, giving clues to whats to come. Serif font was used for the word "presents" and a sanserif font was used for "dream works", i know this because "presents" has tails coming off the end of the letters and "dream works" dosnt.

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