Wednesday 20 January 2016

"Forrest Gump" title sequence analysis

The Forrest Gump title sequence starts off telling us who the presenting company was, and in they case was paramount pictures. they incorporated this into the settings an had it on a sky blue slightly clouded sky, which is the original background of the compmay. This is a very elegant title sequence, and its elegance is unchanged by having the falling feather as the main attraction, its also gental and traditional and this gives us the idea that its family friendly. compared to L.O.W this is on the other end of the scale of genre types. the sequence has background music from start to finish, from my point of view to me the music is very magical. Also the music reminded me at points of twinkling stars, this ironic because the opening sequence is set during the day and the music makes me feel happy and free just like the feather in the opening sequence. from the opening sequence Forrest Gump sounds like a romantic film. The music is very soft and romantic which gave me the impression that it is a romance film. Also, Forrest himself is well dressed, except for his old trainers he has a gift wrapped box of chocolates, which implies that he may be going to meet a lover.

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